Join the Find the Faerie Association

Okay, so I will start by telling you what the Find the Faeries Association is. And then tell you how to join it. So basically what it is an Association of Faerie belivers. It is where people can freely share their experience with Faeries. I hope you all like the FTFA and all become members. If you are not interested then please don't participate.

If you want to become a member then please comment below with your e-mail address. Then I will e-mail a small personalized quiz to you, and you will just e-mail the answers back to me. Once you have finished this I will put your name up on the Members page, when we have one. Also in the quiz you can check I want FTFA updates and you will be e-mailed updates. Soon I plan to make a goodreads Find the Faeries group, so if that goes well then I will allow you all to join that too.
Thank you,

Soft moss a downy pillow makes, and green leaves spread a tent,
Where Faerie fold may rest and sleep until their night is spent.
The bluebird sings a lullaby, the firefly gives a light,
The twinkling stars are candles bright, Sleep, Faeries all, Good Night.
-Elizabeth T. Dillingham

Members of the FTFA

Jade Inks
Laura Trewern
Angel Y
Samantha Jackson