Sunday, November 6, 2011

Introduction to Find the Faeries

Firstly what I would like to say is that anyone (who belives in Faeries) can become a member of the Find the Faeries Association. I would love to welcome anyone into this, and would also love your input in some of our discussions. Once you become a member of the FTFA (Find the Faeries Association), you will recive a button, and can speak freely about your thoughts.
The second most important thing is what this blog is about, take a guess. Yes, it is about faeries. I am not talking about Disney faeries like Tinkerbell, etc. I am talking about the faries that exist in the real world.
Okay, so now I have got all that out of my head I will give you a bit more infomation on the blog.
So what I will mainly be posting about is anything that I think has had something to do with faeries that has happened in my life. This is NOT going to me a biography about me, but about how faeries impact everyday life. If that is not what your looking for then I am happy to tell you I will also be posting the facts of faeries: not all that fake stuff. This will include types of faeries and how faeries make a living. If you have any other suggestions for stuff to post about then please comment below or e-mail me.
One other thing is that you can tell anyone about the FTFA but I would really appreciate it if you would not tell people who do not belive or think it is stupid. This is not a private site, but I don't want any crazy person taking advantage of it. If you want to become a member then I will put a few questions up on another page and you can e-mail them to me. If you get a certain number right and I think you qualify then I will send you back the HTML of you member button, that you can put on your blog or something.
Now I'm done with talking, so you can look around the Find the Faeries blog.
I hope you like it,
Thank you,

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